Onion Tart with Potato and Thyme

Country style-Onion Tart

This caramelized onion tart makes this pie a flavor stopper! If you have never made an Onion Tart before…this is the one to try. It is easy to prepare, and creamy from the ! The potatoes give it that comfort food feel and thethyme takes it to 5 star!You can even substitute everything to vegan […]

Tomato-keftedes-Tomato Fritters

Greek Tomato Fritter with Feta and Goat Cheese -Ntomatokeftedes

When tomatoes are in season, these fritters are to die for. They are sweet and succulent ,and even though fried, they are light and satisfying without any of the heaviness that fried foods offer. This is a super summer dish and pairs well tzatziki and a cold glass of wine, reminiscent of a true Greek! Add to your table as a delicious “meze”, or starter too.

Greek Vegan – Honey Cookies “Melomakarona”

Greek Honey Cookies - Melomacarona

These cookies are traditional holiday cookies. They are very sweet and syrupy. I have lessend the amount of sugar content significantly from the original recipe. And most of the sugar now comes from the syrup and not from the cookie dough. I would not omit any more sugar from the recipe, I cannot guarantee the […]