'Altaring' our lives with Art, Alchemy and Ancestry

Women’s Only Gathering

A Women’s Only Gathering

July 11, 2024 – Next Maestra Cacao Ceremony 

'Altaring' Our Lives With Art, Alchemy And Ancestry

A Women’s Only Gathering – SOLD OUT!

The act of ritual is a common thread that has linked humanity throughout the ages, regardless of ethnicity, culture or religion. Rituals motivate, move and inspire us to step out of ordinary reality, so, that we can experience something basic in our lives that is kissed by the extraordinary.

The Ancestral Cacao Ceremony, facilitated by Raia, begins before sunset and ends just before midnight while taking us on an empowering journey of ancestral remembrance. We honor our lives, lineages, and our relations within the sacred wheel of life and around an Altar that contains the four Elements of Creation,and the wisdom of herbal alchemy. We are supported by music and a singing circle that awakens the movement of a collective prayer of purification, and facilitates our journey into the dreamtime where healing is accessible.. This particular Cacao Ceremony was developed by Raia over decades of experience and study with indigenous people and tribes from the America’s and under the intense guidance of Carmen Vicente. This ritual opens the ancestral portal by inviting our own generational healing within a ritualistic experience.​

Who is it for?

This Maestra Cacao Ceremony welcomes those who are seeking to connect to the sacred cycles of life and awaken individual qualities which lie deep within usLayers of generational healing can be lifted and true connection and approach to life can be established. The ceremony holds each one in a sacred manner within the ritual, and gives opportunity for true connection with the divine within us.

Connect with an Open Heart

Embrace your heart journey and gently remember the essence of who you are.

Prepare Medicinal Cacao

Learn how to traditionally prepare this ancestral plant medicine as an offering to our ancestors, our Earth Mother and the community we are gathering with.

Heal your Ancestral Lineage

Release generational patterns, current blocks, limiting belief systems, and conditional thinking so that new seeds can be planted welcoming renewal and regeneration.

Discover the Beauty Way

A path for creating harmony, art and balance, beginning with your personal healing journey and rippling out to heal the collective.

Prepare Medicinal Cacao

Learn how to traditionally prepare this ancestral plant medicine as an offering to our ancestors, our Earth Mother and the community we are gathering with.

Awaken Your Higher Self

Experience alignment with your Highest Self through celebration, witnessing and a renewed commitment to living from a place of personal power and the truth of who you are.

Heal your Ancestral Lineage

Release generational patterns, current blocks, limiting belief systems, and conditional thinking so that new seeds can be planted welcoming renewal and regeneration.

Balance Energetically

Recognize masculine and feminine energies in the body and learn ways to activate this in practical ways.

The Art and Alchemy of Altaring our Lives

A Women’s Only Gathering

Tuesday 11.7.24

Maestra cacao

Pardes Hana

The Maestra Cacao Experience

Ritualizing our Lives

Many of us are empowered by the act of ritual, and through the discipline that is applied to create this recurring behavior. Rituals can be a solitary or individual act, and also a communal one that invites us to connect to a cause on our walk of life.. Rituals can open portals to the spiritual realm and allow us to connect to the ethereal and to our beliefs or traditions in an empowering and transformative way..

The act of ritual is a common thread that has linked humanity throughout the ages, regardless of ethnicity, culture or religion. Rituals motivate, move and inspire us to step out of ordinary reality to create something basic in our lives that is kissed by the extraordinary.

Through ritual we build families and communities, we make transitions and mark important events in our lives, we express ourselves in joy and sorrow, and perhaps, most importantly, we create and sustain identity. Our ancient ancestors used the bond of ritual to create ties of kinship necessary for survival in a world full of dangers.

Ritual formed structure and hierarchy and helped define their place in the world, which in turn led to early forms of worship and tradition that built community and trust. As modern religions emerged, ancient rituals were absorbed into new forms. Religious leaders, shamans, community leaders understood that communal identity is created and consolidated through shared experiences.

Ritualizing our Lives

Many of us are empowered by the act of ritual, and through the discipline that is applied to create this recurring behavior. Rituals can be a solitary or individual act, and also a communal one that invites us to connect to a cause on our walk of life.. Rituals can open portals to the spiritual realm and allow us to connect to the ethereal and to our beliefs or traditions in an empowering and

transformative way..

The act of ritual is a common thread that has linked humanity throughout the ages, regardless of ethnicity, culture or religion. Rituals motivate, move and inspire us to step out of ordinary reality to create something basic in our lives that is kissed by the extraordinary.

Through ritual we build families and communities, we make transitions and mark important events in our lives, we express ourselves in joy and sorrow, and perhaps, most importantly, we create and sustain identity. Our ancient ancestors used the bond of ritual to create ties of kinship necessary for survival in a world full of dangers.

Ritual formed structure and hierarchy and helped define their place in the world, which in turn led to early forms of worship and tradition that built community and trust. As modern religions emerged, ancient rituals were absorbed into new forms. Religious leaders, shamans, community leaders understood that communal identity is created and consolidated through shared experiences.

Register for the next ceremony