Tomato-keftedes-Tomato Fritters

Greek Tomato Fritter with Feta and Goat Cheese -Ntomatokeftedes
When tomatoes are in season, these fritters are to die for. They are sweet and succulent ,and even though fried, they are light and satisfying without any of the heaviness that fried foods offer. This is a super summer dish and pairs well tzatziki and a cold glass of wine, reminiscent of a true Greek! Add to your table as a delicious "meze", or starter too.

Making tomato fritters is extremely satisfying. These little juicy bites are an all time favorite of mine. The tomato adds a sweet and juicy element to each bite and the herbs and cheese just make it a true greek delight It’s not only a ultimate greek snack for tomato lovers, but for everyone that is looking for a side treat to a glass of wine or beer. And if you are not into this, well just know that they will make any family dinner a little more special.
These fritters are sweet and succulent, and even though fried, they are light and satisfying without any of the heaviness that fried foods tend to offer. This is a super summer meze that just hits the spot. Add to your table as a delicious “meze”, or starter to an amazing meal.

Tomatokeftedes or Tomato Fritters


400 gr. cherry tomatoes, or other kind
2 dry onions (chopped)
2 green onions with their leaves (chopped)
3 tablespoon fresh mint (chopped)
1 tsp fresh oregano (chopped)
1/4 cup fresh parsley (chopped)
1/4 cup fresh dill (chopped)
1 tablespoon hot chilli flakes
1 beaten egg
100 gr Feta Cheese (crumbled)
50 gr. sharp goat cheese (grated)
1.5 teaspoon baking powder
1 tablespoon cornflour (oprional)
3-4 tablespoon rice flour (regular flour is fine too)olive oil for frying
salt -add after tasting the salt content that the cheeses
freshly ground pepper


Wash the tomatoes, chop them finely with a knife. Put them in a bowl.
In a bowl:
Add the onions and mix them with a spoon so that they befin to breakdown.
Add chili flakes and season with salt and pepper.

Mix little by little, add the flour in parts until we have a thin porridge.
In the pan:

Heat the olive oil and fry spoon by spoon until golden brown, about 2-3′ on each side.
Leave them on absorbent paper to drain.

Serve with yogurt or tzatziki for a traditional greek meze!

We need tomatoes that are ripe, red and firm, which we chop by hand and not with a blender.

Place the chopped onion into the chopped tomatoes for a few minutes to breakdown from the tomato acids. Otherwise, the onion won’t have the time it needs to fry all the way.

Fry one to taste the salt level, and adjust for the rest.They don’t want too much frying, just enough to brown.

Don’t keep turning them, they will soak up a lot of oil like this. Make a few at a time, so that the temperature of the oil does not drop.

The hot oil should not cover them completely. If it does they will fall apart before they are able to take form.

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